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Free resources for today’s media seller.

Click here for this week’s edition.

The Weekly Sales Meeting
The Weekly Sales Meeting

Get the Weekly Sales Meeting. This is our weekly sales advice. It is the same advice we give to our teams. It is released each week, on Sunday. There is a new topic, every week. There are some running themes. Start your week with some extra motivation and inspiration. The Weekly Sales Meeting is new every week. Click here for this week’s edition.

These are 5 business categories you need to call on, this week. Click here for the list.

Get media sales prospecting ideas, actionable now.

Prospecting is the life blood of every sales franchise. Where should you look for new businesses to call on? Here is a starting point. Each week, there are five business categories we recommend. There are others, but these may have the biggest impact to your sales franchise. Inside each category there are three types of businesses. Those that learn how to navigate each business category will see their success rates rise. Click here for the list.

Each week a new episode from our President. Click here to listen.

The Weekly Sales Meeting
The Weekly Sales Meeting Podcast is available from most major podcast platforms. Hear the advice we give to our sales teams. Tone and inflection can say a lot. Get training for sales teams, direct from our president, each week. New episodes are available every Sunday. Click here to listen.

Rather watch this week’s episode on YouTube? Here it is.

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Weekly Sales Meeting Video Podcast

The Weekly Sales Meeting podcast is now available on YouTube. Get connected to our weekly selling advice. In less than 15 minutes, each week, you get get our perspective on selling, in today’s climate. And we might ask you to buy something at the end. After all, we are enterprising sales people. Get the latest episode here.